Meet this week’s Volunteer Spotlight: Will Ivery! Will graduated with a bachelor’s degree in political science and economics from La Salle University, a master’s degree in economic crime forensics, and is currently finishing up his MBA at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. He works as a financial advisor at Deloitte and has been with the company for 3 years. He volunteered his time at our PeerForward DMV Spring Training Camp and shared some knowledge he picked up from his college and career experiences:
For any person who is applying to school or going through school right now, what’s your one piece of advice?
My one piece of advice would be to be open, I think. People get set in their plans, but you should try be open to many different opportunities. I remember when I was going through the college application process. It can be overwhelming because there are so many options, but that’s a good thing! Honestly, I would’ve never thought I would end up at La Salle University, but that’s where I went. I met my wife and some of my closest friends there. It was a great! Honestly, it got me to where I’m at today, so I’ve always appreciated that experience. And again, I didn’t know going to La Salle University would be my final choice, but it ended up being the best choice for me!
As someone who works in fraud and finance, so what is one thing that students should avoid when it comes to college?
I would say there’s quite a few things to avoid when it comes to college, but I would say one thing in particular for me is to avoid not taking advantage of the teacher’s advice as they have gone through it all. Go to office hours as much as possible. Ask your teachers for their career advice. Those are people that have been there and done that. I think it’s easy to get into the mindset of “I’ll figure it out eventually,” but this is the time to figure it out! You’ll never be in another position where you have this many resources. I mean, you have the career centers, you have the student clubs, and you have all the professors. Use those resources as much as possible. Parties will always be there, having a good time will always be there, and that’s a very important part of college as well. Just understand that it’s like a business. You’re there on business and that’s the reason why you’re paying for it, right? So, take advantage of it. Take advantage of all the resources as possible. That would be my best advice.

Some response have been edited for length and clarity.