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Senior Peer Leader, Rayne Rivera-Forbes, Reflects on her High School Experience


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It’s Forward Thinker Friday! Today we are spotlighting Rayne Rivera-Forbes. Rayne is one of the captains on the Duval High School PeerForward team and she served as the Student Member of the Board (SMOB) for Prince George’s County Public Schools during the 2023-2024 school year. With graduation right around the corner, she has shared that she will be attending Towson University in the fall to study law and American civilization. We caught up with her to learn more about her Peer Leader experience, her time as the SMOB, and what her plans are for the future:


Rayne with the 2023-2024 SMOB Advisory Council (SAC).

What did your duties as SMOB entail?

As the 43rd Student Member of the Prince George’s County Board of Education, I represent all 131,000 students enrolled in PGCPS. I vote on behalf of students, ensuring their viewpoints will be heard in board meetings. In my current term, I have been appointed as the Vice Chair of the Policy and Governance Committee, formerly the Parent Community Advisory Council liaison, and an elected officer for the Prince George’s Regional Association of Student Governments. Additionally, I have been assigned various advisory roles. I am the first SMOB to have extended voting rights, including school budgets, student disciplinary matters, and school closings and re-openings.

What was your favorite part of serving as the SMOB?

My favorite part of serving as SMOB (Student Member of the Board) is representing a community that is often seen but not heard. Seeing the smiles brighten on my peers’ faces brings me so much joy and hope for our advocacy. The greatest thing to hear is someone saying that they are happy I am their SMOB.

Rayne with Governor Wes Moore.

Tell us about an opportunity you were granted thanks to your SMOB status!

Networking opportunities have allowed me to meet inspirational individuals from county superintendents to delegates, senators, state attorneys, council members, community leaders, and the Governor. Being SMOB has opened many doors for me.

If you could give a message to all the students you served and represented as SMOB, what would it be? 

Remember, you are more than just a report card or a system number. Your dreams and aspirations are valid, and with determination, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Don’t let a system that might seem to have already mapped out your future make your final decision. The power to shape your destiny lies within you. Take it!

Rayne at her PeerForward Workshop.

Why did you choose to become a Peer Leader?

I decided to become a Peer Leader because I was tired of seeing underrepresented communities, especially minorities, lacking proper resources for higher education. The previous Peer Leaders at my school inspired me to continue advocating and sharing information about life after high school, even if it’s not through a two-year or four-year college education, which is perfectly fine.

What’s one dream/goal you have after high school?

One of my dreams is to give back to my community, especially the school system, by providing more opportunities for our students. This includes mental health support for youth, community centers, community activities, and rebuilding the bond we lost a long time ago.