As a nonprofit organization, PeerForward succeeds with the help of service-driven volunteers. Volunteering at PeerForward doesn’t just help the organization and those we serve; it brings meaning and purpose to our volunteers’ lives as well. Become a volunteer HERE.

Kendra Yates is an alumna of College Summit and volunteers with PeerForward. She attended her Peer Leader workshop in 2006 and continues to motivate and encourage students of color toward excellence as the Assistant Principal of Operations at a KIPP Texas Public School. Throughout her years of involvement with PeerForward, she has held many roles including College Coach, Alumni Leader, Alumni Leader Coordinator, Assistant Workshop Director, and Workshop Director. We reached out to her to ask why she continues to serve as a PeerForward Volunteer.
What drives you to serve first-generation, low-income students?
My desire to serve first-generation and low-income students stems from the fact that so many people tell our youth what they can’t do and what they shouldn’t do. There are not enough people telling them what they can do, what they should do, and that they believe in them! There are so many youths that just need that one influential person to come into their lives and change their entire trajectory…my goal is to be the one person in as many young lives as possible because they deserve it.

Describe your PeerForward experience.
PeerForward changed my life from the moment I got off the bus at my Peer Leader Workshop in 2006. From that moment on, the people I met, the skills I obtained, the encouragement I received, the purpose that was revealed to me, and the instant love that was felt, shaped me to be the leader I am today for those I serve. To be given the opportunity to give back all of those things that were given to me at my Peer Leader workshop is the best feeling ever. When volunteering with Peer Forward, you are given the opportunity to have that same impact on another student’s life. You are a part of the process of allowing them to see and reach their full potential.
“When volunteering with Peer Forward, you are given the opportunity to have that same impact on another student’s life. You are a part of the process of allowing them to see and reach their full potential. “

Why should low-income students pursue postsecondary education?
Low-income students should pursue postsecondary education because they DESERVE it! Because they are WORTHY of it! Because they are CAPABLE of it! Because everyone else said that they couldn’t do it! Because their education is the one thing that will always serve them and no one can take that away.