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Impact Week 2021: Deloitte staff stories inspire Peer Leaders


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“If you follow things that are connected to your core, it will place you where you should be.”

Deloitte staff encouraged Peer Leaders to think expansively about their college and career paths during this fall’s virtual Deloitte Impact Week.

For 15 years, Deloitte has been one of PeerForward’s most dedicated partners. One of the highlights of this collaboration is the opportunity for Peer Leaders to connect with Deloitte staff and learn first-hand about the myriad opportunities a college degree can unlock. Over the past decade Deloitte Tax Managing Director Amanda Hale has facilitated the company’s relationship with PeerForward students through Deloitte’s annual Impact Day, which allows Deloitte staff to engage in a day of service with a group of their choice. Since the onset of the pandemic, Impact Day has expanded into a fully remote Impact Week, and the new virtual offering allows for PeerForward students in both our Core and College programs to interact with even more Deloitte representatives over the course of two PeerForward Professional Development Panels.

During this year’s panels, Peer Leaders engaged in intimate breakout-room conversations with Deloitte professionals who hail from all over the world. Staff members shared their own career journeys and showed that the path to success looks different for everyone. Deloitte representatives encouraged Peer Leaders to explore various possible career paths in college and allow their interests to evolve. Students who are unsure about their area of study should take a diverse range of classes and study abroad if possible, Hale advised – by keeping an open mind, “you might have your a-ha moment!” Students also learned about the power of networking and the importance of taking initiative to achieve their professional aspirations.

Peer Leaders left Impact Week with refined goals and renewed determination. “As a student, it’s sometimes difficult to imagine what a real-world job looks like. The insight you’ve all given makes the vision more clear now!” said one college Peer Leader. Another student reflected, “I’m feeling that learning never stops. I love how many of [Deloitte’s] positions involve collaboration. I think that a lot of students are afraid of failure, so it’s comforting to know that learning is an ongoing process.”

Thanks to Deloitte for hosting a fun and educational Impact Week!